My Blog

Welcome to the Coach With Katy Blog.  A space where I share my thoughts and top tips on all things coaching, clinical hypnotherapy and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). You will find inspiring and engaging articles covering a whole range of areas and yet all rooted in changing habits, symptoms and behaviours through the power of our minds.

I invite you to pause, take a moment for yourself and have a read. I hope you find my words supportive and inspiring.

I love to hear from you so please get in touch if anything you read strikes a chord.

Setting the scene for an awesome 2025

Setting the scene for an awesome 2025

How is 2025 going for you so far? Let's take a moment to pause, breathe and set the scene for your best year yet. Where is your head at? What's on your mind? What would you like to be occupying your thoughts? How different is the reality to your desire? As I write...

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Sleep & Stress : the Problem & the Solution

Sleep & Stress : the Problem & the Solution

Struggling to sleep? Read on, relax, it’s ok. I’ve got you. The first question to ask when wanting to improve your sleep is always: how are your stress levels? Stress and sleep are intrinsically linked; and can form a bit of a vicious circle if we let them. Life can...

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Thoughts at 40

Thoughts at 40

With a significant birthday this week, I thought I’d indulge in a little reflective post. And offer some insight into what is possible from a mind body perspective, which is the world I now inhabit and love. To start: 40 words at 40: Me then v Me Now Burnout – Stress...

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How Confident Are You?

How Confident Are You?

Confidence is a powerful word with lots of different connotations. What does confidence mean for you? A definition that I find works well is that confidence is 'the quality of being certain of your abilities'. In my client work recently, a lovely lady felt she wasn't...

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Motherhood: Fears & Phobias for the Good of our Kids.

Motherhood: Fears & Phobias for the Good of our Kids.

There is so much to say about fears and phobias. They are a very common concern that clients bring to my (zoom) door. I could, and no doubt will, write many posts on the topic. Given it is Mother's Day in the UK at the end of this week, I thought I would focus today...

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What Doesn’t Kill You, Makes You Stronger

What Doesn’t Kill You, Makes You Stronger

What if that awful thing that happened in your life, was actually a springboard for great things? I was chronically ill for three years (read more about that here). It was the hardest time of my life. And yet from it great things have grown. It was only through being...

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The Wisdom of the Tortoise.

The Wisdom of the Tortoise.

Who gets there first? The tortoise or the hare? The tortoise of course. There is much wisdom in that classic fable. This year, after a frantic Christmas period, I decided I needed to change speed. I needed to embrace a slower pace and a simpler approach. I didn't have...

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Maths, Brick Walls and Little Blue Steam Trains!

Maths, Brick Walls and Little Blue Steam Trains!

What do maths, a brick wall and a little blue train have in common? Nothing you may think! Well, let me tell you a story.. Picture this, a 7 year old sits down to do her maths homework. Some weeks it is done in the blink of an eye, other times calm and harmony fly out...

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Hello Emotion, I’m listening…

Hello Emotion, I’m listening…

Have you got a part of you that causes you some issues? A behaviour or a response that you just wish would go away? A reaction or a feeling that you hate about yourself? That perhaps you're even ashamed of or feel guilty about? This may be any feeling, that you feel...

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How Are You?

How Are You?

With the busy-ness of December past once more and the quiet serenity of January upon us, I encourage you to take a moment and, ask yourself two important questions: What do I want? What do I need? With our social media feeds, and so often our minds, filled at this...

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Have You Got a Lot on Your Plate?

Have You Got a Lot on Your Plate?

Do you feel like you are juggling a lot of balls? Is your To-Do list out of control? Try this little exercise to bring some calm to the chaos, to put you back in the driving seat: Pause, take a moment and close your eyes. Picture a set of dinner plates. Divide your...

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Be Your Own Guiding Light

Be Your Own Guiding Light

January can be a dull and grey month. Both in terms of the weather and our moods. January is also the perfect time to be your own guiding light. What do I mean by that? Well if we follow the Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) school of thought, we learn that we have...

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